What Are Some of the Myths About Grief?

Apr 24, 2023

Grief is a normal reaction to loss that occurs naturally. However, it is often misunderstood by many people. Here are facts to get right before discussing it. 

The pain that comes with grief can last a lifetime; unfortunately, it is an experience that will occur to everyone at some point in life. Grief is still misunderstood, with several myths attached to it. At Grain Valley cremation services, MO , you get educated on the facts about grief so that you do not become hopeless during this time. 
Too much exposure to the myths and misconceptions about grief can make an individual become confused, angry, and even anxious, eventually, lead to depression. Here are some of the common myths about grief you may come across. 

 With Time Your Wounds Will Heal 

Myths about grief are widespread in society because most people fear opening up during grieving. Grief does not have a fixed timeline. The passing of time after a loss only decreases the intensity of the pain felt, but it does not take away the pain. What will help you in healing are the steps you take to overcome the grief. The passing of time can also reduce the frequency of grief and make it more manageable. However, during times of the year, such as anniversaries, your memories may come back, and it will take time for you to heal again. 

There Are Stages of Grief That Everybody Follows 

There are five stages of grief, first you deny, then anger kicks in, then the bargaining phase soon falls into a depressive episode, and at last you accept the fate. The truth is that when you face grief, it is difficult to follow these stages. Every person has a unique way of grieving, depending on external and internal variables. Therefore no one should tell you how to grieve. You are responding to loss, so you cannot define it by stages. 

You Must Cry To Show That You’re Grieving 

There are several ways grieving people can express their emotions. Crying is not always necessary. There are many reasons that people may avoid crying during this time. Some may have grown up in a way not to express their sadness through tears; others may be following their culture. Also, in many cultures, men are never expected to shed tears. It may be for this reason that they mourn differently. 
Additionally, a grieving person undergoes many emotions, not only sadness. Some feel completely numb and therefore have no feelings, while others get angry and crying becomes difficult. Therefore, crying does not reflect how much you’re grieving. 
Ignoring the Pain Will Help You Heal 
Ignoring your pain after a loss helps, but only temporarily. The pain that comes with a loss is often intense, and you are usually advised not to bottle it up. To ignore the grief, you have to find other ways to cope. Some may abuse drugs, while others find relief in isolation. These are dangerous measures that lead to more harm. The truth is pain is unavoidable, and you need to seek other alternatives to cope with it. 
Getting more information about the myths about grief enables you to separate them from facts. Once you understand grief and the process, you find comfort, enabling you to express your feelings more openly. If you grieve too much without help, you may develop other health problems. You should not feel ashamed to seek grief counseling at Grain Valley cremation services , MO. Gather all the facts about grief and start your healing journey. Contact us today if you need help or would like to get more information about our services .

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