5 Things You’ll Need to Arrange Cremation Services for Someone

February 10, 2020
Planning cremation services for a loved one is often easier to do than planning burial services. But there are some things you’ll need to make sure you have for the planning process to go smoothly.
cremation services in Blue Springs, MO

Planning cremation services in Blue Springs, MO for a loved one is so much easier to do than planning burial services for them. The process is usually a lot less complicated and doesn’t force you to make quite as many decisions. But there are some things that you’re going to need to make sure you have to arrange cremation services for a loved one. Here are 5 things you’ll want to have handy when planning cremation services from start to finish. 

Authorization documents 

In order for a Blue Springs, MO funeral home to cremate your loved one, you’re going to need to authorize their cremation, provided you’re their next of kin. Authorization documents must be read over and signed to make sure that a funeral home has a family’s permission to cremate their loved one. There are some people who take the time to authorize and plan out cremation services while they’re still alive, thus negating the need for these documents. In that case, a funeral home will need to have access to the pre-planning documents that were filled out by the deceased with regards to their cremation wishes.   

Cremation fees 

Before a person’s body can be cremated, a funeral home will usually ask their family to pay all the necessary cremation fees. If the person took care of the fees themselves when they were still alive, this part of the process obviously won’t be required. But most funeral homes won’t proceed with cremation services until they’ve been paid for them. You should speak with your specific funeral home about how payments are handled prior to getting too deep into the cremation planning process. 

Special set of clothing 

Do you want to have your loved one’s body cremated while they’re wearing a special set of clothing? Many families opt to cremate their loved ones in their military uniforms, their favorite dresses, and other articles of clothing that were important to their loved ones. Your family will also have the option of cremating your loved one without any clothes on or in a very basic gown. But you should at least consider putting them in something that was special to them. 

Keepsakes (letters, photos, jewelry, etc.) 

Outside of putting your loved one into a special outfit for their cremation, you should also think about placing some special keepsakes into their cremation chamber along with them. Families often choose to throw letters to their loved ones, memorable photos, important pieces of jewelry, and more in with their family members who are being cremated. It’s a nice way to send your loved one off. 

Cremation urn 

At the end of your loved one’s cremation services, you’ll be given their cremated remains. You’ll have the option of taking them home with you, burying them, scattering them, or doing any number of other things with them. No matter what you plan to do with the remains, you should place them into a cremation urn before leaving a funeral home. You can either buy an urn through your funeral home or pick one up somewhere else and bring it to your funeral home so that they can put your loved one’s remains inside of it. 

At Speaks Chapels , we specialize in walking families through the process of planning out Blue Springs, MO cremations for their loved ones. We’ll make sure you have everything you need to put the best possible plans together. Contact us at (816) 373-3600 or stop by and see us at 18020 E 39th St S, Independence, MO 64055 or one of our other locations to get started. 

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