What Are Some of the Tips for Supporting Kids at a Funeral Home?
April 3, 2023
When grieving a loved one, it is your task as the parent or guardian to help your child heal. It may seem overwhelming, but this is the time they need you more.
Most children do not know what to expect from a funeral unless they have attended one. You can start by explaining to them what happens before a funeral, during, and even after the event. Give detailed information as long as the child is willing to hear. Professionals fromOak funeral home, Grove, MO, advise that should the child lose interest during the discussion, you should postpone it to a later date or time. Inform the child that several people will express their feelings during the funeral differently. This will help reduce their tension and even the possibility of getting traumatized. Here are some tips on supporting your child at this time.
Include the Children in the Rituals
Kids should not only attend funerals, but they also need to take part in the rituals. It will be much relieving to a bereaved children if they can share memories or songs they sang with the departed. Even simple tasks such as lighting a candle or carrying a flower can make the child feel included and special to the occasion.
Consider Their Thoughts and Feelings
Find out from your child if they want to attend the funeral. They may be nervous and sad, and forcing them to attend may cause discomfort. Listen to their ideas and feelings and guide them as expected. If you find out they fear the unexpected, assure them of your presence throughout. If they feel sad about the loss, make them know that it is normal and even healthy to feel so.
Understand the Child’s Way of Mourning
Do not direct a child on how they should grieve or for how long. Children come to terms with their grief in bits, and their external signs of grief can disappear and come back another time. If your child, for example, opts to play football with his peers during a funeral, it is only best to let them be. They may be trying to avoid those feelings of sadness and rage.
Be There for the Bereaved Child
The best way you can help a bereaved child is by being there for them before, during, and after the funeral. Children need support during this period. You do not need to do or say much, just offering a shoulder to cry on, comfort, and even physical support to assure them that they are not alone. Be observant of a child’s behavior during this time.
Talk to Them About the Funeral Process
Tell them what they will see during the funeral, a dead body in a casket. Many people express their emotions differently; If cremation occurs, explain to them that the dead body will not feel any pain because it is lifeless. If they feel they are ready to attend the funeral, stay close to them all along. Should they want to have a look at the dead body, then it’s okay.
Funerals are there to help embrace the life of a loved one and offer support to the affected. The best gift you could give your child as an adult is teaching the importance of coming together when a loved one dies. Visit Oaksfuneral homes, Grove, MO, for more information on how to support a bereaved child.Contact ustoday if you need help or would like to get more information aboutour services.
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