Etiquette Tips to Keep in Mind When Visiting a Cemetery

brad.speaks • November 15, 2021

After holding funeral services for loved ones at funeral homes, many families will head to cemeteries to bury them. Check out some etiquette tips you should keep in mind when visiting a cemetery

funeral homes in Oak Grove MO

Is your family going to bury a loved one following their funeral services at one of the funeral homes in Oak Grove, MO ? If you are, you’re probably going to make your way to the cemetery of your choice right after their services are complete. When you arrive, it’s going to be very important for you and your fellow family members to be on your best behavior. It’ll help you avoid disrupting others that might be at the cemetery. It’ll also help you steer clear of doing any damage to the cemetery. Check out some etiquette tips you should keep in mind when visiting a cemetery below. 
Slow down your car when you drive into a cemetery. 
When you enter a cemetery to bury a loved one after leaving an Oak Grove, MO funeral home, you’ll typically do it as part of a funeral procession. This should prevent you from driving too fast. But even still, you should make it a point not to pull into a cemetery too quickly. You should slow yourself down, and you should look for the designated parking spaces in a cemetery and use them. You should do your best not to park on any grass since you could do damage to it if you aren’t careful.   
Keep your voices down when you walk through a cemetery. 
Once you find a place to park in a cemetery, you should get out of your car and begin making your way over to your loved one’s gravesite. While you do it, you should speak softly to your fellow family members if you have to speak at all. Generally speaking, people should attempt to avoid talking in a cemetery since it could result in them distracting others. But if you do have to speak, you should keep your voice to a whisper. 
Try not to walk on top of the gravesites in a cemetery. 
While you’re on your way to a loved one’s gravesite, you’re probably going to pass your fair share of other gravesites. It’s OK to look at these gravesites and to quietly pay your respects to those buried in them. But you should try not to get too close to any of them. More importantly, you should try not to walk on top of any gravesites since this could potentially be seen as a sign of disrespect. You should instead stick to walking on any paths that a cemetery has created for people to walk around on.   
Clean up after yourself as you exit a cemetery. 
Cemeteries work very hard to keep their grounds clean. You should do what you can to help them by picking up after yourself when you leave. Look around to see if you may have accidentally dropped anything on the ground and discard it in a trash receptacle. You should continue to do this when you come back to visit a loved one’s gravesite, too. You don’t ever want to make a mess in a cemetery and force someone else to come behind you and clean it up. 
 Would your family like to get some more tips on how to act at a cemetery? Speaks Chapels can provide them for you when you make Oak Grove, MO funeral arrangements for a loved one through us. Reach out to us today to begin planning burial services for your loved one.

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