cremation services in Buckner, MO
are usually a whole lot easier to plan than burial services, families are sometimes in a hurry to have their loved ones cremated. They want to get the cremation process underway as quickly as they can so that they can move on to holding a memorial service or celebration of life ceremony for their loved ones. Although you might be OK with holding a loved one’s
right away in the days following their death, funeral homes can’t always make it happen. It’s often going to take at least 48 to 72 hours for a cremation to get underway. Here’s why.
Funeral homes have to make sure they cross all their T’s and dot all their I’s before cremating someone.
Once a person’s Buckner, MO cremation is over, there is obviously no coming back from it. Cremations are irreversible, which is why it’s absolutely essential for funeral homes to make sure they have all their ducks in a row before cremating someone. They have to properly identify a person’s body and secure authorization from their family prior to their cremation. They also have to touch base with the right agencies in their specific state to get approval for cremation. It can take a few days for them to work all this out.
They also have to get their hands on all the proper paperwork.
There is some paperwork that’s going to be associated with setting up a cremation. This paperwork will include a person’s death certificate as well as other documents that’ll need to be locked down before a cremation can begin. A funeral home cannot legally proceed with a cremation without having all of this paperwork in order. They usually won’t have any issues getting it, but it can take some time for them to iron everything out.
They have to stay in accordance with the laws in their state.
Despite what people might think, the cremation industry is actually a very regulated industry that has very specific rules in place regarding when and where cremations are allowed. Most states require crematories to wait at least 48 to 72 hours to start a cremation. Even if they’re able to get everything that we’ve talked about here in line before then, they’ll still have no choice but to hang tight until they’ve cleared a certain window of time. If they attempt to cremate a person’s body sooner than they’re supposed to, it could get them into a lot of trouble.
They need time to prepare a person’s body for cremation.
Outside of all the other things that we’ve talked about here, there is one other thing that a funeral home must do before starting cremation services. They have to prepare a person’s body for their cremation by removing jewelry and medical devices from their body and putting them into their family’s preferred set of clothing. While this shouldn’t take a funeral home too long to do, it will add to how long a family has to wait to cremate their loved one.
Do you and your family want to cremate a loved one as quickly as possible? Speaks Chapels can help you do it when you visit our Buckner, MO
funeral home
for all your loved one’s cremation needs. Give us a call today to set up an appointment with a
funeral director.