Famous Eulogies Ever Written

December 12, 2022

Lost a loved one? That must be the most devastating time of your life. Find comfort in these most famous eulogies and learn how to write yours. 

Mourning the loss of a loved one is never easy. But sometimes, amid our grief, we can find comfort in the words of others who have gone through the same experience. 
Whether it's a eulogy delivered at a funeral service or a touching obituary printed in the newspaper, these memorable tributes can help us to feel less alone in our sorrow, especially during cremation services in Grain Valley, MO , and remind us of all the reasons why we loved the person we've lost. 

Take a look at some of the most famous eulogies ever written. 

1. Abraham Lincoln - Willie Lincoln 

Willie Lincoln was just 11 years old when he died from typhoid fever in 1862. In his eulogy for his young son, he closed his remarks with this touching statement: 
"With the malignant triumph, my adversary gloats over every precious drop which falls from my over wearied frame. He knows that I cannot long survive my dear ones, but he does not know that my term may expire before theirs even if death is not to be dispersed generally over our land." 

2. John F Kennedy - JFK Jr 

John F Kennedy Jr was only 38 years old when he died in a plane crash in 1999, along with his wife and sister-in-law. In his eulogy for JFK Jr, Teddy Kennedy said: 
"John lived by one simple rule - ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country - and changed many lives because he did." 

3. Winston Churchill - Franklin Roosevelt 

Franklin Roosevelt was one of Winston Churchill's closest friends and allies during World War II. Churchill was devastated when Roosevelt died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage in 1945. In his eulogy, Churchill said in part: 
"He will live in history as the greatest American friend we have ever known and their greatest champion." 

4. George W Bush - Barbara Bush 

Former President George W Bush gave this emotional eulogy for his mother, Barbara Bush, at her funeral service in 2018. In his remarks, he spoke lovingly about his mother's strength and grace under pressure and her dedication to her family, saying - "She showed us what an honest, vibrant, full life looks like." 

5. Mark Twain - Fine Old Dame (Susannah Holmes) 

In 1876, Mark Twain paid tribute to Susannah Holmes, an enslaved African American who Twain’s family had owned before the Civil War. In his eulogy, Twain recounted memories of Holmes' kindness and generosity towards him as a child. He closed his remarks with this statement: "To know her was to love her." 

6.Maya Angelou - Oprah Winfrey 

In 2013, Oprah Winfrey paid tribute to her friend and mentor, Maya Angelou, at her funeral service. In her eulogy, she spoke about Angelou's wisdom and compassion and concluded, "I know for sure that we are not only better off because she was here but we are all better people because she was here."  


These 15 famous eulogies are some of the most moving tributes ever written or spoken and offer a glimpse into the lives of some of history's most prominent figures. If you're grieving the loss of a loved one, we hope that these tributes will bring you some comfort during this difficult time as you seek cremation services in Grain Valley, MO. Check our affiliation to learn more when you plan a cremation .

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